Hello again all,
My apologies for the delay in writing. Here is another idea for you entrepreneurs.
By now pretty much everyone has seen the fiber optic Christmas tree. I would like to add a new twist or three to this theme.
If you could make the fibers dense enough what would keep you form displaying Christmas scenes on the tree, or
pictures of your loved ones or,
have the light powerful enough to project images out of the top with a thick cluster of fibers at the top of the tree or,
lets take this to another level, the marketing level.
Who says you need to only create Christmas trees. How about fiber optic pumpkins made out of a ball of fiber radiating from the center out to the shape of a sphere, or pumpkin if you wish. Better yet, make other shapes like animals, or even.... a replica of the family standing on the porch.
Regarding the pumpkin, you could have it change faces, add sound for each face, add a proximity sensor to greet people, etc. Regarding the fiber optic replica of the family, their faces could change, they could talk, or ... why not use a person replica to meet people entering your store and tell them about the current sales. Even the cute animals could do that.
And lets take it to one more level, how about companies and marketers giving away these fiber optic replicas, ( Christmas trees, pumpkins, etc ) and have them display logos along with the scenes or even display quick advertisements from time to time.
And lastly, have a wireless or network connection so that the user ( and the marketer) could download their choice of images to display.
Whew, that was a lot. Anyone want to hire me as a part time consultant in a marketing think tank? LOL
Until Then