Kismet and Happenstance

My Photo
Location: Hospers, Iowa, United States

Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Wind

The wind is a taunting vixen. It will never be exactly as you expect, changing its direction at whim. When it is to your back it will carry you along in its arms as if you were its child being whisked away from harm but when it is against you it will make you suffer and curse as it lets up teasingly and then dashes you, shaking your wheel as if to say, "Meer human, I am a far greater force to recon with than your small egotistical mind can make of me."

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Adventure, Adventure, Adventure

Ah the cycling has been quite an adventure. I am now into cycling all of the time; commuting, groceries, errands, regular road runs over longer distance. I tried to ride through the winter this year but the Roadmaster I bought for it was quite heavy and I found that even though I was in pretty good shape, I was not in shape enough to tackle the snow when it got really deep. I had to wait it out until just recently and now I am back into it.

Since my last post I finished my Bachelors in Computer Science and began taking up an old love that I had not done in 30 years, the piano. I have been using original scores so it is taking a little while to adapt. So far I have re-learned the Entertainer, learned "Grow Old With Me", by Adam Sandler, "Oh Happy Day", "Charlie Brown Theme", "Lara's Theme" from Dr. Zhivago, and am currently working on "Misty" and "Moonlight Sonata".